Next generation sequencing
May 27, 2018

We are using Illumina MiSeq for viral genome sequencing.We have sequenced over 40 isolated of Senecavirus A using Illumina Miseq. Often we run viral metagenomic sequencing in clinical samples for disease diagnosis. I have deep interest in viral informatics. In the Posts section of this webpage you can find some of the tools I am learning to develop my bioinformatics skills.

Genetic diversity and evolution of the emerging picornavirus Senecavirus A
Senecavirus A (SVA) is an emerging picornavirus that causes vesicular disease (VD) in swine. The virus has been circulating in swine in the United Stated (USA) since at least 1988, however, since 2014 a marked increase in the number of SVA outbreaks has been observed in swine worldwide.
**Lok R Joshi**,
Kristin A. Mohr,
Danielle Gava2,
Gerald Kutish,
Alaire S. Buysse,
Fabio A. Vannucci,
Pablo E. Piñeyro,
Beate M. Crossley,
John J. Schiltz,
Melinda Jenkins-Moore,
Leo Koster,
Rachel Tell,
Rejane Schaefer,
Douglas Marthaler,
Diego G Diel
Detection of Fowlpox virus carrying distinct genome segments of Reticuloendotheliosis virus
•Two distinct FWPV populations were detected in the skin of a wild bird affected with FWPV.
•Metagenomics revealed two FWPV genome populations containing the insertion of REV LTR or the full-length provirus.
**Lok R.Joshi**,
Fernando V.Bauermanna,
Kyle S.Hain,
Gerald F.Kutish,
Anibal G.Armién,
Chad P.Lehman,
Regg Neiger,
Claudio L.Afonso,
Deoki N.Tripathy,
Diego G.Diel
A novel bovine papillomavirus type in the genus Dyokappapapillomavirus
Papillomaviruses are a diverse group of viruses that are known to infect a wide range of animal species. Bovine papillomaviruses (BPVs) are divided into at least 21 genotypes (BPV1 to BPV21), with most BPV isolates/strains described to date belonging to one of four genera, including Deltapapillomavirus, Xipapillomavirus, Epsilonpapillomavirus and Dyoxipapillomavirus.
Fernando V Bauermann,
**Lok R Joshi**,
Kristin A Mohr,
Gerald F Kutish,
Petra Meier,
Christopher Chase,
Jane Christopher-Hennings,
Diego G Diel